Friday, April 22, 2011

Upsetting trend: big brands pimping Facebook “Likes”

A upsetting and abhorrent trend has emerged on Facebook, where big brands force visitors to “Like” their page in return for a gift, coupon, or special access to promotions or contests.
“Don’t ‘like’ us yet?” Jockey asked in a current email. “You’ll want to now!” Umm, no, I won’t. “Like our page to unpack prizes!” demands Pepto Bismol. Nah! My liking feels fine. Like us before you can create your own royal wedding commemorative stamp, demandsPeople publication.
What do compulsory likes prove?
They explain that people will click a Like button because they like coupons, discounts and games, but they surely don’t indicate that we plan to buy from the brand again, or come back to the Facebook page. Like so many upsetting marketing practices, forcing Likes is a nothing more than ham-handed bean counters’ idea of how social media works.
Facebook and other social media let retailers connect their online and corporeal properties in ways never before possible. And, asMediaLogic’s recent Retail Marketing Reports note, total visitors to social sites now rival physical retail traffic and, in some cases, are approaching the reach of national paid media. And, the report notes, more than 30% of retailers are forcing visitors to Like their Facebook fan pages to access their promotions.
Sadly, people who are forced to Like brands are also forced to give them entrée to their individual data, unless they jump through Facebook’s notoriously complex privacy jewels.
Will you silent respect me in the morning?
And the long-term appointment, earned media, brand evangelism, and kindness that Facebook and other social media can produce are lost in the process of buying likes. while People Magazine pimped its way past the million (forced) Facebook like mark in January, Forbes cluelessly advised “It’s still early in the game but clearly all publishers need to be paying much closer attention to their Facebook fan pages and how many ‘Likes’ they’re racking up. It’s a real-time indicator of how relevant a brand is to its spectators — and especially to its advertisers.”
Nope, it’s not. Forcing community to like your brand is a lot like getting a kid to promise to be good in exchange for a cookie. Or promising someone you’ll still respect them in the morning. The promise and the like are forgotten as shortly as the goodies are gone.

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