I’m asked an awful lot to check over peoples fanpages and give a few tips on how to improve activity and ‘likers‘ and I’ve found myself repeating a few key points. So here they are :-
1. URL – I’m still surprised by how many Fanpages seem to have forgotten, missed or don’t even know about claiming their url. It’s easy to do and its a really useful tool. You no longer have to cut and paste the huge link full of numbers, you can clearly add this to your email signature, business cards and promotional flyers etc ….
2. Photographs – if you sell a service it can be harder to keep up with adding photographs as they aren’t a natural part of your business but people are visual especially with something like Facebook (and blogging too images highlight what your saying and visually make it more appealing than lots of words!).
3. Twitter – Is your fanpage and twitter linked so when you do anything on your fanpage it automatically tweets?? This is an excellent tool as it allows you to concentrate on one form of social media but still tap into another. It’s great for time management tool.
4. Networked blogs – this application enables you to syndicate your blog feed, with your facebook fan page, profile and twitter. Meaning everytime you publish a new blog post it will appear live on those pages automatically. Great time saving tool
5. It’s not always about the amount of fans on Fanpages but more the quality of them. It’s better to have 100 fans who interact with you than 1,000 who don’t. here’s an old article about fan interaction.
Fantastic job right here...